Mantra Lingua has the world's largest collection of talking printed books - more than 900 - and this list is growing. The titles may be in different languages; today we have over 65 languages. This list too is growing; so you can listen to a book in English or another language using PENpal or PENfriend. Just take whatever audio file you want from FreeLINK and enjoy hours of listening. As a special offer, FreeLINK is our software that allows access to any of these files free of cost. FreeLINK enables you to pick and mix whatever files you need and download them easily into PENpal or PENfriend. FREElink is already installed on your pen; if not, you can download FREElink from here to your computer for PENpals or RecorderPENs.

Click on the Download NOW button to install FreeLINK onto your Windows based computer. If you run Apple computers then you can download audio files directly from the 'FreeLINK Online Server' below.

Download   Live Version


If you are having any installation issues downloading FreeLINK at school (this may be due to the Proxy Server settings by your ICT dept.), you can download the files directly from our FreeLINK Online server by clicking here

VIDEO: How to use FreeLINK, and Live version
How to use: 

Registration Requirement
Thank you for trying FreeLINK. If you are having trouble logging in make sure that you are registered on this website You can either register using our software or on the website mentioned above.
If your username and password works on the website, then the credentials will work on the software as well.

Minimum Requirements
If you get a minimum requirement error crash. FreeLINK requires .NET 4 latest build to run. Please install or ask the IT department to install this on your machine  from the Microsoft Website. Download Link can be found here

Proxy Error or 406 Authentication
Sometimes, FreeLINK crashes and report a proxy error, in that case there are few options that you can try.
1) Get the IT department to add exception to these sites and
2) Proxy settings are obtained from Internet Explorer, so make sure all the proxy settings are in place in Advanced >  LAN Settings.
3) In case you have Internet connection filtered by council, please request an exception to the two sites and
Make sure your software is always upto date as we always roll out bug fixed and additional functionality on the FreeLINK.